Saturday, December 22, 2007

Magic Words

As a HR professional one of the challenges that I face on a daily basis is how do I maintain the engagement levels of my constituents. Engagement also signifies the organization health.

With Christmas & New Year round the corner I thought of an initiative that would bring a smile to my customers. It was to do with Thanks giving / expressing Gratitude. There are 2 little magic words that can open any heart with ease …One little word is THANKS and the other little word is PLEASE Appreciation / Thankfulness is a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive.

In todays world when its harder to find time , I thought we will use this opportunity to Thank / Appreciate people at our workplace who have made a difference to our lives in their own special ways. We had designed Thank You cards which were sent to the Managers for their team members to fill in their comments and send it back to us so that we could dispatch the same to their team members. I was talking to one of the managers as to when is he going to give the Thank You cards for his team members , his response was ‘ is it mandatory ? ‘ It took me some time to react to his response.

Almost all the books that I read have mentioned about expression of Gratitude / Thanks , even the best of best politicians / military leaders have dispalyed this behaviour that can make a tremendous difference in peoples lives but this managers response was an unexpected one....

Do you use the 2 magic words " Thank You " & " Please " in your daily life at home / work ?